
In these virtual, 10-week Steam Camps, explore the engineering process before learning about bot construction, electrical currents, and sensors. Then, build your own bot—with integrated sensors—program it, and lastly, have fun testing your creation.

  • Week 1 – An Introduction to Robotics
  • Week 2 – The Engineering & Programming Processes
  • Week 3 – An Introduction to Building
  • Week 4 – An Introduction to Electrical Currents
  • Week 5 – An Introduction to Sensors and Their Uses
  • Week 6 – Building and Integration of Sensors
  • Week 7 – Programming 1: Block Coding
  • Week 8 – Programming 2: Python
  • Week 9 – Programming Your Bot
  • Week 10 – Conclusion of the Camp
By the end of this Steam Camp, students will be able to efficiently understand Robotics and how to program them using Python.

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