
In these virtual, 10-week Steam Camps, master the fundamentals of Python programming using Repl.it, a web-based IDLE. Starting with printing simple operations, students will explore variables, loops, lists, functions, and learn about their applications in the greater world and beyond.

  • Week 1 – Making a Github and Repl.it Account
  • Week 2 –  Simple Python operations + Data Types + Errors + Hello World
  • Week 3 – Variables and the input function + Calculator Mini Game
  • Week 4 – Strings, Ints, Doubles in detail
  • Week 5 – If, elif, else statements + MadLibs Game
  • Week 6 – For Loop and While Loop 
  • Week 7 – Lists, Tuples, and Dictionaries 
  • Week 8 – Functions, Arguments, and Function Calls
  • Week 9 – Import + Commonly used built in functions and modules
  • Week 10 – Hangman mini-game

By the end of this Steam Camp, students will be able to effectively use python to make unique projects and lines of code.

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